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All Blogs | Family-Friendly Foods to Calm an upset stomach

Family-Friendly Foods to Calm an upset stomach

Welcoming a new life into the world is a beautiful journey, but it often comes with its share of challenges. One such challenge for many expecting and pregnant mamas is dealing with an upset stomach. Whether it's due to hormonal changes, the pressure of a growing baby, or simply a reaction to certain foods, stomach pain and discomfort can be common occurrences. However, the foods you choose to eat can play a pivotal role in how you feel. In this post, we’ll explore family-friendly foods that not only settle an upset stomach but also nourish both mama and baby.

Foods That Settle an Upset Stomach

An upset stomach can arise from various causes, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, there are certain tried-and-true foods known to soothe the digestive tract. These foods are gentle on the stomach and can help alleviate discomfort.

What Are Some Safe Foods for an Upset Stomach?

When faced with an upset stomach, the key is to opt for a bland diet that’s non-acidic, and low in fat and fiber, as these are typically easier to digest and less likely to cause further irritation.

    • Bananas: These are not only gentle on the stomach but are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, manganese, and magnesium. They can also help support normal bowel function, especially if you've experienced diarrhea.
    • Rice: White rice is particularly recommended as it is low in fiber, which is less taxing on an upset stomach. It acts as a binding agent, helping to firm up stool if diarrhea is an issue.
    • Applesauce: The pectin in applesauce helps absorb excess water in the bowel, reducing the frequency of diarrhea. Additionally, it's a good source of vitamin C and provides some natural sweetness that can be comforting when you're feeling unwell.
    • Toast: Whole wheat might normally be the toast of choice for its fiber content, but when your stomach is upset, the simple carbohydrates in white toast are easier to digest. For an added benefit, you can lightly toast it which makes it even more digestible.
    • Boiled or Baked Potatoes: Potatoes are not only comforting but also provide potassium, which can be lost during bouts of vomiting or diarrhea. It's best to eat them without any added fats or spices — a plain baked potato or mashed potatoes made with a bit of salt and broth can be soothing.
    • Probiotic-rich foods: Yogurt with active cultures can introduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive tract, which can help balance your gut flora and aid in digestion. This can be particularly helpful if your upset stomach is due to taking antibiotics, which can disrupt your gut microbiome.
    • Chicken Broth: Not only is it comforting to sip on, but it also provides hydration and nutrients such as gelatin and collagen, which can be beneficial for the digestive tract. The warmth of the broth can also be soothing to your stomach.
    • Oatmeal: Although it contains fiber, oatmeal is gentle on the stomach and can provide a slow-release of energy. It’s also a comfort food for many and can be made more palatable with a bit of honey or bananas.
    • Steamed or Poached Chicken: If you need more substantial protein, white meat like chicken is generally easier to digest than red meats. Make sure it’s well-cooked and avoid frying or adding rich sauces.
    • Crackers: Saltine crackers or similar plain crackers are easy on the stomach and can help absorb stomach acids and settle a feeling of nausea.
    • Herbal Teas: Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, or ginger tea can offer relief from nausea and an upset stomach. They are warm and comforting, which can help to reduce stress and allow the stomach to settle.
    safe foods for an upset stomach

    Remember that while these foods are generally safe and can help with an upset stomach, everyone's body reacts differently, and what might work for one person may not for another. It’s important to listen to your body and introduce foods slowly to see how you tolerate them. And always, before making any dietary changes during pregnancy, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure these foods align with your overall pregnancy nutrition plan.

    Foods and Drinks to Avoid With an Upset Stomach

    While some foods can provide relief, others might exacerbate your upset stomach or cause abdominal pain. Here are the culprits to avoid:

    1. Fried foods: High in fat and often greasy, fried foods can increase stomach pain and discomfort.
    1. Spicy Foods: These can irritate the lining of your stomach, leading to more pain.
    1. Caffeinated Beverages: Caffeine can stimulate your digestive tract, which might not be helpful when you're feeling unwell.
    1. Alcohol: It's already off the table for expecting mamas, but it's worth noting that alcohol can also irritate the stomach lining.
    1. Raw Vegetables: While healthy, they can be hard to digest when your stomach is upset.
    1. Dairy: For some, dairy can worsen stomach issues due to lactose, which can be difficult to digest.

    By avoiding these foods and drinks, you can prevent further irritation and help your stomach settle.

    How to Settle an Upset Stomach Quickly

    An upset stomach can strike without warning, leaving expecting mamas seeking swift relief. The discomfort, often accompanied by stomach pain, calls for gentle and rapid remedies:

    • BRAT diet: This bland diet is a go-to recommendation for its simplicity and effectiveness. Comprising bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, it’s a regimen that's gentle on the stomach yet nourishing. Each component of the BRAT diet provides essential nutrients without overtaxing the digestive system. Bananas, in particular, are soft to digest and can help restore potassium levels, while the blandness of white rice and toast makes them less likely to irritate a sensitive digestive tract.
    • Hydration: It’s crucial to maintain fluid intake to prevent dehydration, especially when an upset stomach may be accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea. Water is always a good choice, but sipping on ginger tea or clear broths can also provide soothing hydration while contributing to settling the stomach.
    • Meal Management: Opting for small, frequent meals instead of larger ones can prevent the digestive system from becoming overwhelmed. This practice not only helps relieve symptoms but also ensures that both mother and baby are receiving a steady supply of nutrients.
    • Rest and Relaxation: Stress and physical strain can exacerbate an upset stomach. Resting is beneficial for the body’s healing process, and taking moments throughout the day to sit or lie down can significantly reduce the severity of stomach pain.
    • Warm Compress: Applying a warm compress to the abdominal area can sometimes offer immediate comfort. The warmth helps relax muscles and can improve blood flow, which in turn may ease stomach pain.
    • Positioning: Sometimes, the way a pregnant mama sits or lies down can impact her upset stomach. Propping up with pillows or lying on one side might relieve the pressure and discomfort on the abdominal area.
    • Gentle Movement: Gentle activities such as prenatal yoga or a leisurely walk can help stimulate the digestive tract and relieve symptoms of an upset stomach. However, it’s important to listen to the body and not overdo it.
    brat diet

    Remedies for an Upset Stomach

    When it comes to soothing an upset stomach naturally, several remedies are both safe and effective for pregnant mamas:

    • Ginger Tea: Sipping on ginger tea can provide relief from nausea and stomach pain. Ginger contains compounds like gingerols and shogaols, which can help speed up stomach contractions. This means that foods that may be causing discomfort can move more swiftly through your digestive system.
    • Peppermint: The menthol in peppermint acts as a natural analgesic, or pain reliever, which can help alleviate stomach pain. A cup of peppermint tea might provide the needed relief and is generally considered safe for pregnant women in moderate amounts.
    • Acupressure: This traditional Chinese medicine technique involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to relieve symptoms. For an upset stomach, the pressure point known as P6, located a few inches above the inner wrist, is often recommended.
    • Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is known for its calming properties. A warm cup of chamomile tea can relax the smooth muscle of the upper digestive tract, easing the spasms that can cause an upset stomach.
    • Probiotic rich foods: Including probiotic rich foods like certain types of yogurt in your diet can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which is important for overall digestive health and can help settle an upset stomach.

    Sometimes, nausea and upset stomach can strike when you least expect it. Prepare for nausea on the go with our Stomach Settle drops. They’re individually wrapped and discreet for on-the-go moments and are made with lemon, ginger, Vitamin B6, and mint.

    By incorporating these strategies and natural remedies, many expecting mothers find they can reduce the frequency and severity of upset stomach episodes. Nonetheless, it's always prudent to consult with a healthcare provider before trying new remedies, especially during pregnancy, to ensure they are safe for both mother and baby.

    green heart and lightbulb

    Managing an upset stomach during pregnancy can be a delicate balance, but with the right foods and remedies, you can find comfort and nourishment for both you and your baby. Remember, each woman and each pregnancy is unique, so what works for one may not work for another. It's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet or trying new remedies. By understanding your body and treating it with care, you can navigate the ups and downs of pregnancy with grace and ease. Stay nourished, stay gentle, and take it one day at a time, dear mamas.